Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.
What started on March 11, 2017 with sharing 5 addresses apiece to 5 volunteers on Facebook so that they could mail postcards to voters in Jon Ossoff’s race grew in one month to 1,200+ volunteers nationwide and over 51,000 postcards mailed.
Now, we consist of over 75,000 volunteers in every state who have written close to 8 million postcards to voters in over 200 key, close elections.
How it works:
Choose a campaign
Postcards to Voters writes for large and small campaigns, month in and month out. If you know of a campaign that might be a good match for us, you can recommend it here.
Timing matters. If we are not otherwise committed, it can be a matter of chance. A “small” local campaign with a deserving progressive can (and has) lucked out and been able to join our program because of good timing.
We look at the pros and cons. When faced with two or more great choices, Postcards to Voters has to fairly weigh multiple factors. Can we write the number of cards needed to reasonably influence the election across a tipping point? Since postcards are just one component of the whole GOTV program, how capable do they seem of executing a strong ground game? Are there any restrictions or demands being made that could impact volunteer interest? These are just a few considerations to stack up.
Each candidate represents a different opportunity. Their background, qualifications, what they bring to the campaign, special communities and constituencies they represent, the office being sought, the state they’re in, and so on. It is impossible to create a one-size-fits-all formula. Postcards to Voters takes seriously the responsibility to engage the most deserving and meaningful campaigns for you when we have available capacity.
Get the address list
Postcards to Voters uses voter registration data that is originally created, maintained, updated, and furnished by the state and county elections authorities. Sometimes, the data comes directly from them. Sometimes, it comes from a state or county Democratic party or a campaign committee. But, in most every case with fewer than a handful of exceptions, it comes directly from the campaign.
Assign the addresses
Approved writers request the addresses through our site. They receive the addresses and instructions for what to write.
Write and mail the postcards
Writers supply their own postcards and postage, and have three days in which to write and mail the postcards.